GREEN SUGR fully complies with the 2018 USDA Farm Bill that legally classifies hemp as any extract “solely derived from cannabis with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis”. Each one gram serving of GREEN SUGR contains less than (0.2%) or 2mg THC and approximately 20mg CBD. Every batch manufactured is sent to Caligreen Labs for testing to ensure compliance. We ensured that GREEN SUGR is not only compliant in America, but also throughout the European Union as well as many other nations.

Dean Anastos is an entrepreneur and has been involved successfully in a number of industries such as finance, technology and now hemp derived products. Dean gravitated towards this federally legal form of Cannabis after his mother was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer. He witnessed firsthand how it helped his mother alleviate her symptoms and although it did not save her life it made him realized how this miraculous compound of nature should be accessible to everyone.

Dylan Ramsey holds a Bachelor of Computer Science with Honors from York University, and later educated in New York at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, for theatre. Dylan now lives in Los Angeles, California working in motion pictures and television while continuing to exercise his left-brain by offering his services as a Chief Technology Officer and full stack developer.
Dean and I got together in Los Angeles during the summer of 2020, right in the middle of the COVID19 pandemic. By this time, Dean was already involved in manufacturing hemp derived CBD. He and I were meeting to discuss making movies, hemp derived CBD, and cryptocurrency/DeFi.
During one of our meetings, GREEN SUGR was born.
The next few months our R&D process began. We really wanted to create an exceptional product that is easy to use by empowering you with the option to easily infuse any of your favorite food, drink or skincare products with CBD.
August of 2020, I had orthoscopic shoulder surgery. During one of our meetings Dean dropped off a potent CBD salve he manufactures to assist in helping treat my pain management topically.
As I started applying it, I was telling him about how I forgot to take my prescribed hydrocodone on the night of day two, post surgery, and when I woke up on day three I started feeling nausea, depression plus mood swings and experiencing diarrhea. My intuition had me look-up hydrocodone withdrawal symptoms. I mean, no way was I getting addicted after two full days of proper use, right?! Well, every single symptom I experienced matched! I’ve never been much of a pill guy. So, I decided to ensure that these were truly withdrawal symptoms. I took the hydrocodone to see if the symptoms would go away. They did! Just to be sure, I decided to skip the hydrocodone again to see if the symptoms showed up the next day on day four. Again, they did!
I opted to not take hydrocodone anymore. Like others, I heard that cannabinoids (CBD) may work for pain management and there wasn’t any danger of addiction to CBD. So I replaced the opioid with GREEN SUGR. To be honest, the science community has not been able to research cannabinoids due to the “war on drugs” and making cannabinoids illegal. Check out an incredible documentary available on HULU called “Weediquette” by VICE. I highly recommend this insightful series. I was also a little apprehensive about swapping out the opioid for GREEN SUGR because I thought would find myself in major pain. The pain never came. To be fair, I still kept up my Ibuprofen 800 prescription.
Fun Fact: The DEA and FDA classify Cannabis as a schedule 1 drug. A schedule 1 drug by their definition states that there are no medicinal benefits to be derived from schedule 1 drugs. Yet, in 2018 the FDA approved it’s first medicinal drug derived from Marjiuana, thereby contradicting the fundamental definition of cannabis being a schedule 1 drug.